Monday, February 1, 2010

Twitter! - massekommunikation på 140 tegn by @nfsaxberg and @webjay

Book Review
Rating 8 out of 10
This book is so far only in Danish. It's a great little book about Twitter. I like the production story about the book. The of March 2009 the Editor of the printing company woke up and got the idea to the book. Immediately he contacted the authors and they started to produce the book right away. The great message of the book is that the social media revolution has changed our world, the target group for the book is mainly companies and business people and its telling them that they better take things like Twitter and Facebook seriously. In the old times the companies would produce a website and hope to attract the costumers to it. In the social media era the companies need to come to the costumers, and where are the costumers? Well they are at the social media. So the book encourages business people to take Twitter very serious, because it's really something the businesses can benefit from, both in terms of sales and customer feedback. The book suggests that the companies should react to the customers instantly. By some searches on major Danish phone companies the authors demonstrates that the Twitter users are already discussing the companies. The book then recount some cases, where companies have reacted instantly on customer talk on Twitter. There is the glasses shop Synoptic which witness a customer complaining about the prices, which prompts Synoptic half an hour later to offer a rebate to the customer. Then there is the coffee shop CoffeeGroundz which one minut after a tweet from a customer reacts. The good thing about this kind of interaction is that perhaps you can suddenly get a lot of good PR if the news about it spread, that the event goes viral. It seems like the authors already work with business consulting, there is quite a lot talk about strategy, optimisation, innovation and all the rest of it. That particular part of the book I must admit I at times found a little tirering. But all in all a fun book. One should think that they could sell this book to other countries too. Right Now!

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